Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to Mexico City

The food here at the monastery has been spectacular. Fresh juice (I’m pretty sure the orange juice has come from their own orange trees), tortillas, beans, chilaquiles, fresh salsa, and the list goes on and on. After another wonderful breakfast we received a tour of the monastery with Fr. Konrad. We saw the coffee beans, avocados, lime and orange trees just to name a few of the things they grow. They also breed and sell some interesting birds. There are bee hives that produce honey and wax to make candles. Roger was very excited to get a little tour of where they make all their candles. We celebrated Mass at the little chapel that is near the guesthouse. Deacon Dennis Desmarais assisted and reminded us in his homily that sometimes we all have a hard time making sense out of everything. We are all probably struggling to make sense out of some of the things we have seen or heard on this pilgrimage. It is all so new and yet not new. One thing Dennis also pointed out is how each one of us shows a little bit of God to the others. Fr. Kerns then took a few moments for everyone to voice their thanks to God. We are all very thankful for this monastery and the hospitality and peaceful surroundings that have allowed us some time to process all that we have experienced in the last few days.

After lunch, we toured the basilica in Cuernavaca then headed back to Mexico City. It is about an hour and a half drive between Cuernavaca and Mexico City.

St. Juan Diego, Pray for Us.
Mary, our Ever Virgin Mother, Pray for Us.

Checking out the coffee beans (above and below)
Fr. Konrad leading the pilgrims on a tour (below)Deacon Dennis Desmarias and Fr. Kerns after Mass on Monday at the guesthouse chapel. Fr. Kerns has been carrying the prayers and petitions with us to every Mass, chapel and shrine.

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